Beauty of Installation Art

For art and design field, it could be categorize into various form such as painting, sculpture, graphic, on-screen design, video film and the like. This could help artists and designers to decide which type of art they should to apply in their project. It helps artists and designers to carry the message or purpose to audiences. With the development of the age, the form art and design is changing as well. Artists and designers start to do something with surrounding environment instead of facing to painting canvas or computer screen everyday. This is what we called Installation Art, for example, if you saw some sculpture or artistic stuff hanging in the shopping mall with big space then perhaps it is kind of Installation Art.

Installation Art is still an uncommon field to people now, because it could involve many parties and expert to achieve goal of the project. Installation artists have to been through so many experiments and also required a lot of related knowledge and techniques. The most common example for Installation Art is sculpture.  As you might notice that some of the shopping mall and art gallery would display huge sculpture model. In other countries, you could easily found installation art in LRT station as the location is always crowded; it can get more attention from people.

However, there is some of the installation art causes a great deal of dissension even though installation art is not mainstream. For instance, “Infinity Mirrored Room – The Souls of Millions Light Years Away by famous artist Yayoi Kusama, this artwork was considered the most successful project due to it has become the art-world attraction since it was launched. This installation art is installed in a dark room with 4 sides of mirrored wall, many lightbulb is handing in the dark room and it creates an infinite reflection effect. People would feel like they are in the heaven because the dark room creates an illusion. Some of the visitors have commented that “Calming, ethereal and meditative, all at the same time.” and “I Who Have Arrived in Heaven”.


Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirrored Room – The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away: Photo by Hope Dickens


Installation art in not only happens in foreign countries, in Penang, mural artist Ernest Zacharevic has created a series of mural in Penang and raises a big attention from media and people. Enerst Zacharevic artworks will apply with some local traditional stuff and combine real object. One of the famous artwork “Little Children on a Bicycle” has gained huge reputation on social media. This also became one of the attractions while travelers visit in Penang.


“Little Children on a Bicycle” Mural, George Town, Penang.

What I felt is that Installation Artists always able to create a new world by their artwork, they create new things that we never seen before and thought before it could be real.

References List:

Alive Yoo, “Top 10 most stunning art installations in 2013”. <; . 15 June, 2013.

Maisie Skidmore, “Art: Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Mirrored Room is an installation like no other”. <; .4 December, 2013.

Only Penang, “Penang Street Art, Wall Painting at Penang”. <; . 19 December, 2012.

Beauty of Installation Art

Computer Programmer In Black and White

In this technology well-developed era, internet has become one of the important things to people nowadays. People might store their personal private information in online for various purposes such as e-banking, account registration, online shopping and etc. If you are the one of them, your information might in danger and get stolen by someone anytime because there are some organization groups outside would find the weakness on website and exploit it to get your personal information. People would referred the term of “Hacker” to this kind of organization or individual.

According to Brain Harvey, “The concept of hacking entered the computer culture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the 1960s. Popular opinion at MIT posited that there are two kinds of students, tools and hackers. A “tool” is someone who attends class regularly, is always to be found in the library when no class is meeting, and gets straight As. A “hacker” is the opposite: someone who never goes to class, who in fact sleeps all day, and who spends the night pursuing recreational activities rather than studying. There was thought to be no middle ground.” Hacker is someone who expert in computer security and able to access any computer system and internet network without permission of owner. Most of them major in computer programming, and most of the cases are involves criminal issue. However, there are some people are professional in same field as well but their objective is non-malicious.

Few type of hackers have been categorized which is White hat, Grey hat and Black hat and etc. As mentioned above, those computer programmers are intended to irrupt some company computer system security to get something they wanted are considered as Black hat which is illegal and unauthorized to do so. Some purposes are motivated them to misuse their professional knowledge such as personal profit, enjoyment and others. For instance, Jonathan James was one of the famous Black hat hacker. The reason he became well-known on internet is he is able to hack into several of computer security owned by United State government while he was only fifth-teen years old. He make use of his talent to get resources information from NASA which worth $1.7 million, but he should use his knowledge and skill in the right path for his future. He was suspected on few big companies’ computer security attacks, but he did not admit. Unfortunately, he was committed suicide in 2008.


Another category of hacker is White Hat, which is totally different with Black Hat. White hat apply their professional in the correct way, they hired by company to test the strength and weakness of the company’s computer security. Most of the big network company would have a team of computer programmers to test their website vulnerability to avoid hackers irrupt their database. For a company, this is also one of the responsibilities to protect their users’ personal details. Google has realized this issue in 2010 as they are willing to pay up to $8,000 for those who found a weakness on Android, Youtube or Chrome. A Brazilian web security researcher named Reginaldo Silva has reported a weakness of programming to Facebook, and the vulnerability that he was found is actually could lead the malware attacks. Regarding to his report, Facebook has decided to reward Silva $33.5k! It’s $33,500! I think it’s probably another way to earn extra income as a computer programmer.

You can know more famous hacker in the video above.

References List:

Kate Knibbs. “Facebook pays $33k to security researcher for finding, reporting huge bug in social network”. <; . 23 January, 2014.

Jason Cohen. “The Code is your Enemy”. <;. 5 November, 2013.

Joseph Berstein.Google Will Pay Security Researchers To Find Weak Spots In Android”. <;. 15 June, 2015.

Computer Programmer In Black and White

The Influences Of Telepresence In Film Industry

Telepresence is the technology which could bring audience a virtual reality experience, allow people to present themselves in appearance and environment. The remote device will record all the user’s movement, action, voice and duplicate to other location, this consider some sort of being present. This technology has been widely used for conference or meeting purpose, so called videoconferencing. People could use videoconferencing when other members are at outstation or long distance, this brings benefits to people  such as time saving, low cost and convenience for people could not make it for the physical meetings.

When people are talking about telepresence, videoconferencing in meeting room is the thing that usually come in mind, but it is only for business industry. I think it is not difficult to notice that we may see some similar scene about telepresence in Hollywood film, Hollywood has been employed and extended the concept of telepresence into movies, film producers took this idea as a good sci-fi element which can apply into their movie. For example, in the Television Series “Star Trek” (Gene Roddenberry, 1966-1969), Captain James able to presents himself in whole body including movement, action and voice in front of his cabin crews when he on another planet. I’d believe this scenario is extended by the idea of telepresence, during 1966, most of the people are still do not know what telepresence is.

In film industry, people need more and more imagination and creativity to generate new ideas and stories to attract audience; this is what audiences expect to watch in theatre as well. So the story ideas that are based on presentation of telepresence would not stop at this phase. They have extended and developed the concept of telepresence into higher level. For instance, in Sci-fi film “Avatar” (James Cameron, 2009), they have used another way to present the idea of telepresence. In Avatar, humans are able to control themselves to walk on another planet while they are actually lying inside a machine which means telepresence is not only to show user’s body on screen but also able to connect users into other location in physical form. In another movie named “Inception” (Christopher Nolan, 2010), this movie has made a sensation successfully when this movie hit the theatres in 2010. This movie is about some people has ability to enter other people’s dream to steal secret and memories, they would have physical body inside the dream as well. This is another definition and way to present the telepresence.

As we can notice that, film and movie industry have been influenced by new technology and as movies might give audiences big impact after they watched it. In movie, all the fictional scenarios and ideas of imagination have been shown and they were all created with the use of SFX techniques. According to a research from … (author’s name, yr), this phenomenon might help many people therapeutic recovery programs, such as that in high tech presence of these technologies, the patients who are suffering in paralysis will actually walk on floor by using telepresence technique to control their body while they lying on bed. It also shows to people that all the potentially possibilities of existing technology, and it might inspires scientist to further develop the technology.

This is the traditional way of how people use telepresence for conference purpose while they are in long distance.


Early Hollywood film “Star Wars” (George Lucas, 1977) has been implemented telepresence element but in advanced way which can print out a whole body. 

Surrogates Willis

Sci-Fi film “Surrogates” (Jonathan Mostow, 2009) also play around the concept of telepresence.


In “Avatar” (James Cameron, 2009), people can control the big blue body with their mind.


“Iron Man” (Jon Favreau, 2008), the devices designed by Tony Stark able display screen in 3D form.


George Lucas. “telepresence-on-the-big-screen”. <;. September 27, 2012.

The Influences Of Telepresence In Film Industry